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Art Setouchi, Spring 2011


A few days ago, I went to check out the Setouchi International Art Festival‘s website and I was gladly surprised to see that it got a makeover.

The first and not least important change is the new title. It’s simply called Art Setouchi now. It makes sense after all, the Festival has ended more than 5 months ago and the next one won’t be until 2013. This name is not exactly new it already was the Festival’s “nickname” last year. It is somewhat “cute” with its Engrish feel (shouldn’t it be Setouchi Art?) but it also has a proper noun feel, it’s unique, it’s not just Art in the Seto area, it’s a concept in itself, it’s Art Setouchi!

Because this is the good news, pretty much all of the art that had stayed open after the end of the Festival will stay open until the end of June at least. I suspect much longer and I want to believe that the whole area will become what Naoshima is today: an island haven for art.

I have no inside information about whether these pieces will stay permanently, those are just assumptions from my part, but seeing the evolution of the website, I may not be wrong.

Following what I had done at the end of the Festival, I’m going to give you here the opening schedule for the artworks that are open in April, and I hope to be able to do it every month from now on (at least until June, and maybe more).


Art Setouchi Schedule for April 2011


Straw Art
In memoriam : Straw Art, unfortunately doesn't exist anymore, but I guess it was part of its very nature to be temporary.




  • Naoshima Bath “I♥湯”
    Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 2pm-9pm (from 10am on week-ends and holidays).
    Admission: ¥500 (¥300 for Naoshima residents, ¥200 if you’re under 15).
  • Lee Ufan Museum
    Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 10am-6pm (last admittance at 5.30pm).
    Admission: ¥1,000.
  • Art House Project (Kadoya, Minamidera, Go’o Shrine, Haisha, Ishibashi, Gokaisho)
    Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 10am-4.30pm.
    Admission: ¥400 each house or ¥1,000 for a pass allowing entrance to all houses.
  • Art House Project (Kinza)
    Open Fridays to Sundays, 11am-1pm and 2pm-4pm, reservation required.
    Admission : ¥500.
  • Benesse House Museum
    Open everyday 8am-9pm (last admittance at 8pm).
    Admission : ¥1,000.
  • Chichu Art Museum
    Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 10am-6pm (last admittance at 5pm).
    Admission : ¥2,000.
  • Various permanent works are all around the island, especially near the Benesse House, including Blind Blue Landscape and Yellow Pumpkin.




  • Was du liebst, bring dich auch zum weinen / Il Vento
    Open Wednesdays to Mondays, 10pm-5pm.
    Admission : ¥300 (I’m not sure if the restaurant is still open, if anybody knows, feel free to tell me).
  • 101 Years Old’s Silence/100 Years Old’s Hands
    Open on week-ends, 10.30am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Tom Na H-iu
    Open on week-ends, 10.30am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Farther Memory
    Open on week-ends, 10.30am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Particles in the Air
    Permanent free access.
  • Shima Kitchen
    Open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 10.30am-4pm.
  • Your First Colour
    Opening on April 9 (yeah, you read this right, a new artwork will open this week-end! Told you this whole thing is going well beyond a three-month long Festival).
    Open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 10.30am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Storm House
    Open on week-ends, 10.30am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Teshima Art Museum
    Open Wednesdays to Sundays, 10am-5pm (last admittance at 4.30pm).
    Admission : ¥1,500.
  • Les Archives du Coeur
    Open Wednesdays to Sundays, 10am-5pm.
    Admission : ¥500.




  • 20th Century Recall
    Permanent free access.
  • Megi House
    Open on Week-ends, 10.40am-4pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • The Presence of Absence
    Open on Week-ends, 10.40am-4pm.
    Admission : ¥300. I’m not sure if the restaurant is still open.
  • Equipoise
    Open on Week-ends, 10.40am-4pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Sea Gull Parking Lot
    Permanent free access.
  • Momo’s Game or Victory of the Naked Peach
    Open everyday, 8.30am-5pm.
    Admission : ¥500 (it’s actually the admission fee for the Oni Cave where the art is located).




  • Ogijima’s Soul
    Open everyday, 6.30am-5pm.
  • A Shelter for Drops of Memory
    Open on week-ends, 11am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Sea Vine
    Open on week-ends, 11am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Maison de Urushi
    Open on week-ends, 11am-4.30pm.
    Admission : free.
  • Onba Factory
    Open on week-ends, 11am-4.30pm.
    Admission : ¥300.
  • Organ
    Permanent free access.
  • Shima Kokoru Isu
    Permanent free access.
  • Wallalley
    Permanent free access.




  • House of Shōdoshima
    I have conflicting information about it. The schedule I have says we can still see it (from outside only), but I heard that it was in a bad shape because of bad weather this past winter and that it was definitely closed last week-end to be disassembled these days. I’ll keep you informed as soon as I know more.
  • Tsugi-Tsugi-Kintsugi
    Was closed but will be reopening in a new location starting April 29.








  • Inujima Art House Project
    Open Wednesdays to Sundays, 10am-4.30pm (last admittance at 4pm).
    Admission: ¥500.
  • Inujima Art Project “Seirensho”
    Open Wednesdays to Sundays, 10am-4.30pm (last admittance at 4pm).
    Admission: ¥1500.



Uno Port


Please note that during Golden Week, which starts on April 29th this year, all art exhibits will be open everyday, except on Oshima.

Hopefully, this will convince you to go visit the area if you haven’t done so yet.


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