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Seppuku Pistols on Ogijima (June 2018)


Almost a month ago, I got some very good news when I learned that as a “preview” of the Setouchi Triennale 2019 (a very early preview), the Seppuku Pistols were back in the area, especially on Ogijima and in Takamatsu (they also went to the islands under the Great Seto Bridge the day after).

Of course, it was out of the question to miss them.

If you need a refresher, their very first performance in the area was on Ogijima for the opening day of the Setouchi Triennale in 2016, and it was also on Ogijima that they played for their last performance, last November (and I realized that I forgot to post about it, maybe later):


Setouchi Triennale Opening Day – Ogijima

And if I don’t have a post about Ogijima last November, I have one about their performance on Teshima just the day before:

Harvest Festival and Seppuku Pistols on Teshima


This time, in order to go to Ogijima, they didn’t take a taxi-boat as they usually do, but they rode Meon, just like everyone else. As a consequence, the first of their three concerts of the day started on the ferry as it was entering Ogi Port:




After this first part, music took a break and everyone entered Ogijima School’s Gymnasium for a workshop including calligraphy and making traditional flags:



And when everyone was ready, the second part of the concert could start:




As you noticed this second part consisted in a “walking concert” to Toyotama-hime Shrine to the top of the village.

Then, later in the afternoon, the Seppuku Pistols headed to Takamatsu for more music, but that will be for a future post.

To be continued…


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