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Weaving Weaving by Takashi Nishibori


Among the artists from the Setouchi Triennale who are currently working and creating artworks in front of your eyes at Bengal Island, there is Takashi Nishibori, an “old acquaintance” to the blog as he already took part in the first triennale, three years ago, back when it was still called the Setouchi International Art Festival (actually I believe that it is still the Japanese name). At the time, he had made Uchiwa Bone House (that I will show you one day, I promise; if it has left Ogijima a long time ago, you can still see it in Marugame). This year, he’s showing Corridor of Time, on Ogijima too, as well as Weaving Weaving. You may also have already spotted him on this blog, as I have run into him a few times on Ogijima even if we didn’t talk before a couple of weeks ago.

So, Weaving Weaving is the artwork that I’m going to show you today. It is being made all summer session long, at Takamatsu Sunport, with the help of Thai students (Mr. Nishibori currently lives – and teaches? – in Thailand).

After a few visits, I started talking to him (he’s fluent in English) and with his assistants (having the cutest little girl in the world with you turns out to be a great ice breaker), so I don’t exclude having him on the blog sometime soon. In the meantime, here are a few pictures of Weaving Weaving that is starting to take an interesting shape (those pics were taken on August 4th, 5th and 12th):


Weaving Weaving - 6



Weaving Weaving - Takashi Nishibori


A big thanks to Mr. Nishibori and his assistants for their friendliness and the welcoming atmosphere that surrounds Weaving Weaving.



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