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A quick visit of Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory

One of the most difficult things during this pandemic for me was not being able to go to the Setouchi islands.

I know, I’m fully aware that I’m lucky that this is one of my main problems. Well, it is, along with not being able to return to my home country and see my parents who are not getting any younger. Along with being overworked because of online classes – it got better in recent months. Along with the general toll on our mental health. I’m also very unhappy with people who still travel during this pandemic, especially when they go to rural areas coming from big cities, thinking that “it’s safe there,” completely oblivious or uncaring that they’re the ones who are dangerous and spreading the virus, as well as every other Covidiots thinking masks are optional and more things. Their own selfishness and/or stupidity is the reason we’re not seeing the end of this pandemic, and I kinda have issues with that.


Anyways, about a week ago, I got to get out of the house a little bit (I do get out of my house, just not out of Takamatsu) and I got to see some art!

And not just any art, but some art from an Art Setouchi artist.

Do you know Takeshi Kawashima?

If you’ve attended the Setouchi Triennale, you probably do. He is the main artist of Takeshi Kawashima and Dream Friends Gallery on Ogijima (there was a big hint in the name of the place). I have written about him and his gallery a few times. You can read the posts there.


In short:

Takeshi Kawashima is an artist born (in 1930!) and raised in Kagawa. He moved to New York City in 1963 where he led a pretty successful career as an artist. He’s also been part of the Setouchi Triennale since the first edition in 2010, with the aforementioned gallery that hosts a different work for each Triennale, as well as some temporary exhibits in between Triennale editions.

He moved back to Kagawa in 2016 to spend his last years in his hometown. And since his return, he’s basically found a second youth. He started a new series of artwork, and he basically spends his days creating new art.

You can follow him on Instagram if you want.


Back in Takamatsu, he needed a place to both do work and store all of his art (the newly created one, but also the works he brought back from New York).

I remembered this old abandoned factory (formerly building medical equipment, I think), north of Goshikidai, in the Western part of Takamatsu near the sea. Well, he bought it.

And the six-story concrete building, on the side of the hill, became Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory.

It is now both his studio and his private museum where he houses his own art and a bit more.

A few stories of the building are still pretty much unused, but the whole place now kinda has become awesome.

And I got a small semi-private visit of the place the other day (except Kawashima-sensei’s studio). I managed to take a few pictures of the museum (not the rest of the building, unfortunately). They’re not the best, as I didn’t have much time and I didn’t take my camera, just my phone, but I had to share them with you anyway, right?

So here they are:

Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 1

The entrance of the museum is on the 6th floor. However, as the building is against the hill, you actually enter directly from the outside.


As stated above, in the museum you’ll find some of Takeshi Kawashima’s old artworks:


Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 2
Including some remains from his installation for the first Setouchi Triennale in 2010.



Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 3
And some pieces of his red and black series that used to be in MOMA. My son is interested.


Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 4


Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 5


Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 6
I’m quite fond of this piece. I think it’s from the ’80s.


Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 7


Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 15


You’ll also find his collection of African art:


By the way, this is the view from the place:

Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 14
Did you notice Ogijima on the horizon?


And finally, some of his most recent art is also available (made in 2021!)


Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 12



Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory 13


I really need to return there with proper camera equipment as soon as possible.


It’s usually open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10 am to 4 pm. The entrance fee is 1,000 yen. It is advised to call prior to your visit.

A place I advise you to visit, but only after the pandemic is over if you don’t live in Takamatsu.


Oh and less than a kilometer away, you have one of the best locations to admire the “twin islands” of Kozuchishima and Ozuchishima (or the two Onigirishima as my kids call them).


Kozuchishima Ozushishima


If you liked what you read, there are many ways to thank me (check them here) including buying me a coffee.


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2 thoughts on “A quick visit of Takeshi Kawashima Art Factory”

  1. I absolutely agree with you about the thoughtless people travelling for pleasure during the pandemic. Well said.

    Thank you for this article on Kawashima-san. I did not know his age! Wow! I was lucky to experience his Space Flower Dance Ring space in 2019 at Ogishima. It is really a fabulous to walk inside and be surrounded by the wonderful art. A memory I cherish.

    Thank you David.



    1. Thanks for your comment.

      Yes, Kawashima-sensei is now 91 years old, and he never ceases to impress all who know him. He has no intention to stop making art and that’s what he’ll do as long as he can. And I even find his most recent creations to be among his best. Can’t wait what he has in store for 2022, although seeing his current production, it’ll most likely be variations on his Space Flower series.

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