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The Setouchi Picture(s) of the Day

Yes, I know, this blog has seen more active days. The past few months have been exhausting like almost never before.
Online classes are not as fun as I thought they would. Well for next semester, I have the time to see it coming and the experience from this past semester so that I can plan my future classes in a way that is less time consuming.

Right now, it’s summer vacation. I’m mostly spending it at home, mostly resting for this first week (I’ll try to do more things in future weeks, we’ll see how this pans out). I’m not too sure if I’ll be more active here or not.

However, as I try to have a walk by the sea almost every day, I started a “project” (it sounds better than “a random idea” but that is what it really is) on social media that I called “the Setouchi Picture of the Day”.

It is pretty much self-explanatory. Just pictures of the sea that I take during my walk.

Here are two of the latest examples:

Setouchi Picture of the Day
Ozuchishima and the Seto Inland Sea
Setouchi Picture of the Day Naoshima

If you want to see more, you just need to follow the following accounts if you don’t already do so:

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Of course, I’ll do my best to write a few posts here during my vacation too. 🙂

Stay tuned.

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