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Spring has come…


… and with it some major changes on the blog.

You may have noticed the new look. Do you like it?

You may also have noticed the new name. What do you think of it?

Some more changes may show up little by little. I’ll tell you about them as they come.

Also, if you have any suggestions, about the looks, about things you’d like to see on the blog and such, do not hesitate.

Finally, and despite winter-like temperature, yesterday, I spent a few hours on Ogijima, so here are some pictures (just a handful):


Plum blossom - Ogijima
There were a few plum blossoms left.


Torii - Ogijima
They were near Toyotamahima-jinja.


Last year, the very first cherry blossoms I saw where on Ogijima. I went to check out the same tree:


Sakura bud - Ogijima
Not just yet (they were early last year)


However, I may have seen a tree in full bloom, although it was a bit far, it could have been plums.


Ogijima Houses


Huge boat
Probably one of the biggest boat I have seen on the Seto Inland Sea.


That’s all for today.

Oh! Before I forget, make sure you update your subscriptions to the blog (RSS or by e-mail). It’s also a good opportunity to subscribe if you haven’t done it yet.



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4 thoughts on “Spring has come…”

    1. Actually Ogijima felt a bit dead. It was pretty cold and quite windy, so most people stayed inside.

      I’m debating having a header image or not. With the new responsive theme, it may be a problem, but it kinda looks empty up there. I may do something not too different from yours: a logo and a title, but not banner like I used to have.

      1. That’s too bad. Guess it will get busier as the weather warms up.

        A logo is best for business. I suck at graphic arts so I got a friend to design it for me. Lots of people willing to help if you need a bit of help finding someone. Not sure if it would be free though…

        1. Well, I have the logo I’ve been using on my French site (and on Twitter and a few user places). It’s “handmade” but I like it.
          I have two friends who are graphic designers, I may bug them sooner or later.

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