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Okonomiyaki, Hiroshima Style


As you may know, people in Western Japan are irreconcilable. They’re on the verge of civil war. The lines have been drawn. Sides are chosen.

Yes, I’m talking about Okonomiyaki!

Which side are you on? Osaka style or Hiroshima style?

Those things are taken very seriously in these areas. And as, in Kagawa, we’re roughly in the middle, the regional spheres of influence are colliding right here. We’re on the front line.

And I made my choice: I’m team Hiroshima style!


Okonomiyaki Hiroshima style


What about you?


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2 thoughts on “Okonomiyaki, Hiroshima Style”

  1. I grew up eating Osaka style at home but went to high school in Hiroshima, so like you, I’m a bit in the middle, too. I can say, I prefer Hiroshima style when it’s done right 🙂

    1. You’re right the “when it’s done right” is an important thing here (well, it always is).
      I feel that it’s easier to mess up a Hiroshima Okonomiyaki than an Osaka one…

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