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I guess one of those days I will tell you about my visit of Kinkakuji, although I suspect that it’s not much different from yours.



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4 thoughts on “Kinkakuji”

  1. My visit was calm and hot
    There were around 15 people when we visited the temple in July during the afternoon.
    We enjoyed the visit because we had time to see the temple itself (without the need to push people out of the view)

  2. Most experiences and pictures seem to be very similar as it is such an iconic place to visit that is usually fully crowded. I’ve visited Kinkakuji many times now but still come back from time to time to admire its beauty.


    1. That’s why I envy Chti’ Suisse. Being able to see it without a huge crowd seems a very rare opportunity.
      I gotta admit, that it was the place I enjoyed the least among all the ones I’ve been to in Kyoto. Mostly because of the crowds.

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