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Hyōgomachi in Takamatsu


Hyōgomachi in Takamatsu


Maybe you already know it, but Takamatsu is the city in Japan that has the longest network of Shōtengai (covered shopping street). This is one of them, Hyōgomachi, that houses two of my favorite restaurants in town among other things.



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2 thoughts on “Hyōgomachi in Takamatsu”

    1. They’re both next to each other (and right on the left on this picture – out of frame).
      One is called Tonkatsu Higasa (とんかつひがさ). As you can imagine it’s a tonkatsu restaurant, and it serves one of the best tonkatsu I’ve had.
      The other one is Udon Ichiba (うどん市場), one of the best udon restaurant I know (although as you know there are hundreds and I’m far from having tried all of them), with a caveat though. As it gets pretty crowded for lunch (and they don’t have a lot of staff), they prepare all of their tempura early, and the later the go, the “older” it’ll be. So if you try it, try to go a bit before noon. It won’t be crowded and the tempura will be super fresh and warm.

      If you use Foursquare (or even if you don’t), I have created a list of restaurants and cafés in Kagawa that I advise. Feel free to bookmark it:

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