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Back in October 2010, I bought a Daruma in Takamatsu.

For the few of you who don’t know what a Daruma is,  it’s a Japanese paper doll representing  Bodhidharma. It’s main purpose is to symbolize wishes that people make.

Usually, when you buy a Daruma, it tends to look like this:

Daruma 1


After buying one, all you need to do is make a wish and then paint its left eye. However, you don’t paint it the way you feel like, it has to be a black round eye. This is somewhat sacred after all.

When the wish is granted, it’s time to paint the second eye.


Currently, my Daruma looks like this:


Daruma 2


In about a month, it will be the first anniversary since I got it.

I think it will be the perfect moment to paint its second eye then.




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