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Visit Shamijima during the Setouchi Triennale 2013


I must hurry to write this post before it’s too late as the Spring session of the Setouchi Triennale ends in two weeks (already!) and while you’ll sill be able to enjoy art on most of the islands (not mentioning the new islands during the other sessions), art on Shamijima will only be available until the end of the current session (even though I suspect that some of it will last longer, just a hunch).

So here are some tips and advice to help you visit Shamijima during the Setouchi Triennale.


How to go to Shamijima?

As I already told you in my first post dedicated to the island, Shamijima hasn’t actually been an island in a few decades as it has been connected to Shikoku by some land reclamation. As such it’s the only island of the area that you can reach without taking a boat.
To go there you have a few options. If you don’t live in Japan, chances are that you don’t have your own means of transportation. In that case the easiest way for you to reach Shamijima is to take the train to Sakaide and from there take a bus to Shamijima (I understand that they’re quite frequent during the Triennale).
If you have car, you can simply drive there and park your car in the parking lot of the Great Bridge of Seto Park right next to the island. Note that cars are not allowed on the island during the Festival (except for the ones of the locals of course).
If you feel like it, you can ride your bike or even walk there. Your choice.




How to get around on Shamijima?

On Shamijima itself you’ll have to walk, but worry not, the island really is tiny and it takes no more than about 15-20 minutes max -without rushing – to walk from one end of the island to the other.


Where to eat on Shamijima?

As far as I know, there is no restaurant on Shamijima, but please note that one of the art on the island is edible, as the “Millenium Soup” is served in the brand new Shamijima Nishinohama Beach House. However, keep in mind that the soup is prepared by the artist himself and it’s sold out very quickly (in other terms, if you get there in the afternoon, it’ll be too late).


Shamijima west beach
Shamijima west beach


Where to sleep on Shamijima?

Honestly, I have no idea whether or not there are sleeping accommodations on Shamijima; but if you want to sleep in the area, there are many hotels in Sakaide, right next to the island.


Shamijima Nishinohama beach house
Shamijima Nishinohama beach house by Tetsuro Fujiyama+Tomii Architect & Associates


What art is available for viewing on Shamijima?

The following artworks are available on Shamijima at least until April 21st (the number in front of them is the official Triennale number of the artwork)

  • 100 – Stratums by Tanya Preminger
  • 101 – Shamijima Nishinohama beach house by Tetsuro Fujiyama+Tomii Architect & Associates
  • 102 – Crystallized Salt Drops of sweat absorbed into sand on a beach by Hana Sakuma
  • 102 – KAISOU – Shamijima- by Yukie Ohata
  • 102 – From a nameless island by Mitsuo Toyazaki
  • 102 – Shiro by Kentaro Hayashi
  • 103 – Sora-Ami: Knitting the Sky by Yasuaki Igarashi
  • 104 – Love Nine-legged race, LOVE by Shuzo Fujimoto
  • 164 – Island soup by EAT & ART TARO



If you have any question that is specific to Shamijima and that you think I can answer, do not hesitate to ask, in the comments or elsewhere.



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