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Sunset over the Seto Inland Sea


Returning from Naoshima:


Sunset over Seto Inland Sea - 1

What are all those people doing?


The same thing as I am:

Sunset over Seto Inland Sea - 2


I’m taking this opportunity to remind you that if you ever visit the Setouchi Islands in the Fall or early Spring, you really should take the last ferry back to Shikoku, so that you too can see those amazing sunsets.

(I’m also taking this opportunity to announce that I started a “daily photo” series on Google+ and only there, so don’t forget to circle my page if you want to see pictures of what daily life in Takamatsu looks like)



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9 thoughts on “Sunset over the Seto Inland Sea”

  1. Thanks! Just Naoshima thus far. We went to the Seto Naikai Islands, when we were looking for a house, but it was too rural. We are thinking about hitting up this other island in front of Ushimado next weekend tho. The one with the huge fabric on it, you know?

    1. “too rural” is what I like about the islands (but I know what you mean, probably not the best place to open a café (although, Teshima and Shodoshima are viable options I think, and I still contemplate at time the idea of opening something on Ogijima – not a café, nor a minshuku though, there are already a few, and the locals wouldn’t be too happy).

      I think the island you’re talking about is Maejima, from checking out Google Maps, I don’t know it at all, nor this huge fabric you’re talking about). I really only know the islands from Kagawa (plus Inujima) at the moment, I haven’t had the opportunity to visit the islands from other prefectures – mostly because they’re so hard to reach from Kagawa – I guess you’d have the same issue from Okayama – although Shodoshima is easy to access and Teshima is actually easier to reach from Okayama than from Kagawa)

      1. Yes, we also don’t have too much time right now anymore since the Café is open for 5 days and on the 6th and 7th, we usually have to do grocery shopping and such, well…. 🙂
        You saw my article on my page? the lenghty one about finding the house? There’s quite a few pictures from the Seto Naikai islands on there too (down at Imabari-Shi)!
        There were some real nice houses there but the lack of supermarkets and the high cost of getting on and off the island would have been a big problem. Return trip to Imabari over the bridge would be about 4000Yen! The people we met there we’re all real nice and they have some nice beaches too but we weren’t sure if we could have really managed it there. Looking at it now, we would have probably failed fixing on of the houses there as the cost add up quickly.
        Are you living close to Takamatsu? I’m eager to go there too as it looks quite nice from the other side that is 🙂


        1. Hi Daniel,
          Yes, I read your article about finding the house. I’ve never been to the islands near Imabari, but it seems like both a fascinating and strange place. “Strange” because of the bridge. Do locals have to pay for it too? Because that sounds expensive and quite inconvenient. In a sense that may isolate them even more so than without the bridge.

          I live in Takamatsu. It’s a pretty nice city indeed. If you’re ever here, tell me beforehand, we should meet. 🙂

          1. As far as we understood they have to pay for it too. I could imagine one of the reasons why they have to pay for it is because they don’t want to put the ferries out of business. Tho, the ferries are also so damn expensive (about 3000¥ for a return trip)…
            I’ll let you know when we make it to Takamatsu for sure!


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