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Street on Teshima

Hello everyone.

Just a quick note to tell you that, no, I’m not forgetting nor abandoning the blog.

My hosting issues are not fixed, just “under control”… Barely…

Actually this post is some sort of test to see how the host’s CPU is going to react to it.

In the meantime, I’m also looking for a new host, because the current situation is just not sustainable, and that, because of work, family life and more, is indeed taking longer than I’d wish.

In other words, Stay Tuned and sorry for the delay….

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2 thoughts on “Street on Teshima”

    1. Thanks Jenny.

      Now it seems stable. I’m going to try to use my sites “normally” for the next few days and see what happens.
      Then, I need to find the time to change hosts.

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