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Putting down my bags


Henro hat and backpack


No, those aren’t mine. They are the backpack and the hat of a Henro Pilgrim who was resting in Zentsū-ji. I’m just seizing the occasion to inform that I returned safely back home (in Takamatsu) from home (in France), that I almost recovered from the jetlag, as well as from a stomach flu that hit me as soon as I was off the plane.

As a welcome consequence, the blog should resume its usual publishing pace shortly.




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4 thoughts on “Putting down my bags”

  1. Welcome back. I haven’t recovered from my jetlag yet. I went back to Germany for winter vacation.
    Sorry to hear you got sick. Hope you could enjoy your time back home nevertheless.

    1. Thanks.
      I thought I had recovered, but it was just me surviving the week (on top of everything, it was also busier than usual at work), last night, while I felt like going to bed at 11pm, I ended up there at 3.30am.
      Yes, I had a good time at home, I got sick this week as I returned.

      (on a side note, while I went to Germany several times, I spent my first night there last Saturday – didn’t see much though, it was in a hotel by the airport in Frankfurt)

  2. I feel ok, but I won’t fall asleep before 4 a.m. and when I can I sleep until 11:30 a.m., ignoring the alarm clock. I hope I can fix this soon. ^^;;

    (I’ve never been in France, only traveling through on my way to Spain. But I’d love to visit some day!)

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