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Ogijima, last October.



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2 thoughts on “Ogijima”

  1. Hi David, excellent website you have, thank you for putting it together! Can you tell me if camping is possible (official or ‘wild’) on Ogijima and Teshima? I visited Naoshima years ago and remember there were a lot of ‘no camping’ signs around. Also, are bicycles allowed on ferries from Takamatsu – Ogijima, Takamatsu – Teshima and Teshima – Uno? I know you said bikes are pretty much useless on Ogijima but we may need to take them with us as we will be bike touring with all of our camping gear.

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words.

      As far as camping is concerned, to my knowledge wild camping (you mean anywhere in nature, right?) is illegal in Japan.
      On Ogijima, there is a designated camping area by the lighthouse, and indeed you may need your bikes to get there. There’s supposed to be another one on the “east coast” of the island, but I can’t really see where it is. Probably next to the public toilet at the beach. I haven’t been that far down the beach in a couple of years (I advise you to follow on Google Maps to see what I mean).

      I have no idea about Teshima though, but I don’t remember seeing camping spots (but the island is big, I may have missed them).

      Concerning bringing bikes on ferries.
      Basically, ferries than can carry cars can also carry bikes, you’ll just need to pay extra for the bikes. That means that you can take your bike to Ogijima, but you can’t do it to Teshima directly from Takamatsu. You’ll have to make a detour either via Uno or Shodoshima.

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