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3 thoughts on “Kiyomizu-dera”

    1. For some reason, I’m not a big fan of Kinkaku-ji. Possibly because the place is way too touristy. Going there gave me the feeling that when I saw thousands and thousands of people in Paris going to the Louvre basically just to see the Mona Lisa (I guess I’ll develop this one day on my France blog.

      Kyomizu-dera, on the other hand, while still too touristy in my opinion, was a lot of fun. Also, I think that the biggest difference between both is that you get to see Kinkaku-ji, but you get to experience Kyomizu-dera, if you see what I mean.

      1. Yeah, I totally get where you are coming from. The reason I love Kiyomizu-dera is for the whole experience you get from the grand entrance, to the walk up Chawan-zaka with its amazing atmosphere and all those cool shops, and the final view from the balcony is breathtaking. I still love Kinkaku-ji for its beauty, but it is a different kind of experience and not as long lasting.

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