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Bonsai Nursery in Takamatsu


You may or may not know that Takamatsu is, by far, the largest producer of pine bonsai in Japan – with more of 80% of these bonsai produced in the city. And while I don’t have any hard data, I’m sure that places the city high on the list of bonsai producers overall.

You may be wondering where and how these bonsai are produced, right?

Well, they’re grown in a neighborhood called Kinashi, in the western part of the city, and they’re grown in nurseries that are basically bonsai fields.

Here is what it looks like:


Bonsai Nursery in Takamatsu


And when the trees are big enough, they are transplanted in pots where they actually become bonsai. Remember that “bonsai” simply mean “tree in a pot” in Japanese… it’s also the reason why you shouldn’t say “bonsai tree”, you’re basically saying “tree in a pot tree”. 🙂


Bonsai Nursery in Takamatsu 2


And next time (because I need to spend more time there) I’ll most brighter pictures, those having been taken at dusk.



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