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Beyond the Last Stop by Atsushi Ozawa

Beyond the Last Stop Uno Port 1

Beyond the Last Stop is a very simple and yet great artwork, or rather series of artworks, as it’s several actual bicycles that have been customized by Atsushi Ozawa, a pretty great artist who uses discarded metal objects and reforges them into works of art.

Beyond the Last Stop Uno Port 2

These bicycles have been in Uno Port since 2016 and they can be rented and used around the port. I’m not exactly sure, but I think you can only do it during the Setouchi Triennale. You’ll excuse me for not knowing the details, I don’t go to Uno Port every day, even less so now that there is no direct ferry anymore between Honshu and Shikoku (which is a shame in my opinion, but as usual, rentability has more power than it should.)

Beyond the Last Stop Uno Port 3


On a side note, I met Atsushi Ozawa 10 years ago, during the Setouchi Triennale 2013, when he stayed in Sunport during the whole summer session for Bengal Island, one of the best events the Triennale has ever organized. It’s a shame that nothing of this scale has been done since. You can read all of it in those old blog posts (click the link above), which are also when the blog took its stride and found its voice, I believe. (and yes, I know that it doesn’t have much of a stride lately… sorry about that, please bear with me, things will happen sooner or later).


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