Just a quick note to remind you that the fall session of the Setouchi Triennale 2013 has started today and will end on November 4th.

As usual, I’ll try to show you as much as possible on the blog, but as you may have noticed in the past few days, I haven’t written much. I was quite busy at work and as a consequence quite tired at night when I usually write.
But no worries, I’m leaving for Awashima dn Takamijima tomorrow (as well as Honjima on Monday), and if I’m not sure when I’ll write about them here, I warmly advise you to – if you haven’t already done so – to follow me on Google+, Facebook and Twitter (links are on the top of the right side bar as well as in the box below this text) to get goodies (small updates and pictures) in real time.
Of course if you’re currently in Japan or have the opportunity to go in the next weeks and if you can come attend the Setouchi Triennale, it would be extremely regrettable that you miss this opportunity. Mark my words.